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WOW 111 OCR, Endurance workout

Foto van schrijver: Joel LeysenJoel Leysen

hidalgo wod crossfit lommel

AMRAP A 6 minutes + Run

9 DB Hang power clean

6 DB Shoulder to overhead

3 DB Thrusters


AMRAP B : 6 minutes + Run

8 DB Snatch, alt

8 Toes to bar


AMRAP C: 6 minutes + Run

8 DB Box step up

8 Handstand push ups


AMRAP D : 6 minutes + Run


6 Reverse lunges EMOM Including during the run


*Run 4 minutes for distance, increase speed each AMRAP

Rest 2-minutes before every next AMRAP

Sportieve groeten, Joel Leysen Einde 193, 3920 Lommel

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