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Joel Leysen
5 okt 2021
WOW 86 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr For time Run 800m Then 5x 10 Goblet Squats 10 Burpees Run 800m...
29 weergaven

Joel Leysen
28 sep 2021
WOW 85 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 minutes 400 meter Run 40 Air Squats 30 AbMat Sit-Ups...
28 weergaven

Joel Leysen
21 sep 2021
WOW 84 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr 8 minute AMRAP 5 AHAP Push-Press 10 Pistols (alternating legs)...
33 weergaven

Joel Leysen
14 sep 2021
WOW 83 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 800m Run 10 Pull-Ups 15 Kettlebell Snatches 20 V-Ups...
30 weergaven

Joel Leysen
7 sep 2021
WOW 82 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr For Time 2 Mile Run 2 Minutes Rest 20 Double DB Squat Cleans...
31 weergaven

Joel Leysen
31 aug 2021
WOW 81 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 50 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull-Ups 400m Run 50...
29 weergaven

Joel Leysen
24 aug 2021
WOW 80 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr 1.6K Run 50-40-30-20-10 Weighted Step-Over SIt-Ups Then 400m...
32 weergaven

Joel Leysen
17 aug 2021
WOW 79 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr Complete the following amount of reps in 2 minute AMRAP...
31 weergaven

Joel Leysen
10 aug 2021
WOW 78 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr For time 21-15-9-15-21 Dual KB Cleans Dual KB Swings Push-Ups...
21 weergaven

Joel Leysen
3 aug 2021
WOW 77 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #activ8lommel #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 . 1.2K Run Rest 2 minutes 3 Rounds for Time 20...
44 weergaven

Joel Leysen
20 jul 2021
WOW 75 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 minutes 1Km Run 10 Box Step Over 10 Deadlifts 10 Devils Press...
8 weergaven

Joel Leysen
13 jul 2021
WOW 74 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr 5 Rounds For Time 800 meter Run 30 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood) 30...
14 weergaven

Joel Leysen
3 jul 2021
WOW 73 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr IRON KELLY 5 R.F.T. 1K Run 30 KB Step-Ups 30 KB Goblet Squat Scaled = 400m...
39 weergaven

Joel Leysen
29 jun 2021
WOW 72 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr EMOM 10 12 Single Arm KB Swings (switch arms every other min.) 12 Goblet...
29 weergaven

Joel Leysen
22 jun 2021
WOW 71 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 1 Pull-Ups 1 Push-Ups 1 Burpee 400m Run double the reps every round...
27 weergaven

Joel Leysen
15 jun 2021
WOW 70 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr For Time 20 Reverse lunges, 1 Deadlift 19 Reverse lunges, 2 Deadlifts 18...
21 weergaven

Joel Leysen
9 jun 2021
WOW 69 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr AMRAP 40 minutes 6 Rounds 24 Air Squats 24 Push-Ups 24 Walking Lunges 400...
20 weergaven

Joel Leysen
1 jun 2021
WOW 68 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr 1,200 meter Run 50 Push-Ups 50 KB Box Step overs 50 Russian Twists 1,200...
38 weergaven

Joel Leysen
25 mei 2021
WOW 67 OCR, Trail running workout
#activ8lifestyle #trailrunning #activ8performance #activ8ocr 1.6K Time Trial Rest 2 minutes For Time 5 Rounds of DB/KB DT Run 400m 4...
32 weergaven
obstacle run
Personal trainer
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